Semester 1, 2011

ARCH1101 Design Studio
Semester 1, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Some Crysis Tips

Those who have tried unsuccessfully to install Crysis + sandbox and playup, please make sure you are following all the steps in the readme.txt file that Russell has placed with the installation files. Some common problems that I've been seeing are:
-attempts to install the patch without having run the game (whilst connected to the net) first. Connect to the net and play the game before you continue to install the patch!

-attempts to install the three SDK components at the same time. Don't double click all of them, just do them 1 by 1, making sure one has finished before trying to install the next.

-attempts to run crysis/sketchup without changing the UAC settings or Admin settings. Changing either of these settings will allow sketchup and crysis to make new files on your C:\

-leaving the # symbol in the name of your sketchup component. If you do this, your component won't export correctly. No funny characters or spaces.

-trying to export components which contain components. If you make 2 components, then select them both and make another component, then your export to crysis will not work correctly. You may get the "yellow ball" instead. Make sure you explode everything first, then make 1 component.

-trying to export multiple materials in 1 component. This won't work (but if you somehow get it to work, let me know because I'd love to know how). If you want different materials in your model, then you need a component for each material. Export them individually. Then piece them back together in crysis. (Note, having the same axis point will make it easier to snap together)

I'll add to these common issues as they arise. Try to stay out of trouble and follow the readme.


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