Semester 1, 2011

ARCH1101 Design Studio
Semester 1, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


If you would like to have a clean screen shot without the processing info and the Head's Up Display (HUD), then you can do the following to hide them.

::fps/processing info::
In crysis sandbox 2, go to Tools > User Commands > displayInfo
(do the same to unhide)

1)In crysis sandbox 2, hit the tilde key "~"
2)Type into the console: cl_hud 0
3)Hit enter
If the console doesn't come up, you can display it by going to View > Show Console
Note: You can also use the console whilst in game mode "Ctrl+G" by hitting the tilde key "~".
(to unhide the HUD type: cl_hud 1)

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