Semester 1, 2011

ARCH1101 Design Studio
Semester 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

EXP1 Comments

Alex Lorenzelli
Most significant weakness:Did not capitalise on using section cuts in animation to reveal key elements of the architecture.

Alisa Parveen
Most significant weakness:Architecture filled with ideas but not consolidated into an arrangement of organised and ordered hierarchy.

Anthony Porra
Key strength: Textures show evidence of care and consideration.
Most significant weakness:Did not submit animations or images of architecture.

Ben Filler
Key strength: Architecture clearly defines separate forms of above, in between and below.
Most significant weakness:Relationship between interior and exterior is lacking. Wall thickness of above ground space isn’t considered.

Bridget Allen
Key strength: Sketched sections and textures.
Most significant weakness: Enclosure of below ground architecture doesn’t exist. Minimal spatial exploration beyond simple extrusion.

Christopher John Day
Key strength: Integration between transparent and opaque materials.
Most significant weakness:Relationship between windows to each other seems arbitrary, and relationship to artist is very literal.

Chun Ho Chiu
Key strength: Interior has been developed with consideration to usage.
Most significant weakness:Animations are erratic in movement and don’t identify key aspects of the design to reveal/show.

James Crowe
Key strength: Stairs and catwalk relate to the architecture well.
Most significant weakness: Enclosure of all levels has not been considered, more importantly to below ground level. Minimal spatial exploration beyond simply extruding.

Jiming Wang
Key strength: Some consideration of formal spatial arrangement, however more could have been considered with interior.
Most significant weakness:Did not present the designed stairs in such a way that shows it in context or in detail.

Joel Davidson
Key strength: Stairs are thoughtful to bridge interior and exterior.
Most significant weakness:Did not submit animations, poor quality scanned images.

Kaung Myat Htoo Kyi
Key strength: Sketched sections show evidence of experimentation.
Most significant weakness:Did not submit any animations, screenshots of 3d model or stairs. Where is the architecture?

Minshan May Huang
Key strength: Sketched sections and textures.
Most significant weakness:Poor video quality did not do the architecture justice.

Mohamad Saj
Key strength: Architecture contains potential ideas but doesn’t develop them far enough.
Most significant weakness:Interior spaces do not demonstrate relationship to clients and artworks. Lacks spatial understanding below ground with no accessibility and stair openings.

Nastaran (Nina) Jafarigolrokh
Key strength: Sketched sections and textures show clear experimentation and a process of refinement.
Most significant weakness:Animations don’t demonstrate control nor identify key features of architecture to show.

Nikko Sudirman
Key strength: Architecture has a sense of control and containment. Larger forms have been resolved with finer details to create a well-considered architecture.
Most significant weakness:Drawing line work needs to show confidence and control. Textures lack detail which fails to demonstrate a finer precision.

Suek Yi Lim
Key strength: Elegant and complete form of architecture which opens up at nexus points to draw people into the gallery.
Most significant weakness:Detail of the structure in the architecture. Wall thicknesses? What are holding the giant glass panels up?

Weijie (Mike) Shen
Key strength: Sketched sections and textures demonstrate care and consideration.
Most significant weakness:Simplistic building with lack of order behind placing of elements.

Wen Chen
Key strength: Detail of interior and division of space demonstrate careful thinking of the placement of elements.
Most significant weakness:Larger scale form lack spatial experimentation which is so evident in the sections.

Yu-En (Timmy) Lin
Key strength: Architecture shows a confidence in risk taking and experimentation.
Most significant weakness:Architecture lacks control in ordering elements into a consolidated form.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


If you would like to have a clean screen shot without the processing info and the Head's Up Display (HUD), then you can do the following to hide them.

::fps/processing info::
In crysis sandbox 2, go to Tools > User Commands > displayInfo
(do the same to unhide)

1)In crysis sandbox 2, hit the tilde key "~"
2)Type into the console: cl_hud 0
3)Hit enter
If the console doesn't come up, you can display it by going to View > Show Console
Note: You can also use the console whilst in game mode "Ctrl+G" by hitting the tilde key "~".
(to unhide the HUD type: cl_hud 1)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Working on the FBE computers

Some of you may want to use the FBE computers for Crysis when your models start getting complex and your computer starts slowing down noticeably.

Things to remember when working on the FBE computers.
-Don't work across the server. If you are accessing files such as documents/images/videos from your "student home folder", copy them to your local D: drive first. Then mess about with them, then copy them back to student home. This way if the server drops out, or if you connection to the server is severed, then you won't loss any work.

-Don't use C: Drive as a storage place. The FBE labs rebuild their local C:\ drive upon reboot. This means if your computer crashes and you restart, any work left on C: will probably disappear. If you saved it on D: however, it will still be there!! So work on D: drive if you can.

-Using Crysis. There are two (2) folders that you need when you move your crysis work between computers (e.g. from home to uni; or maybe from your laptop to your desktop): 1) Levels folder. 2) Objects folder. These need to be placed in the Crysis Game folder. Remember to copy both folders when you log off.

-Backups. Make a backup of your work in different places. If you have it all on the same computer, then it isn't much use.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Some Crysis Tips

Those who have tried unsuccessfully to install Crysis + sandbox and playup, please make sure you are following all the steps in the readme.txt file that Russell has placed with the installation files. Some common problems that I've been seeing are:
-attempts to install the patch without having run the game (whilst connected to the net) first. Connect to the net and play the game before you continue to install the patch!

-attempts to install the three SDK components at the same time. Don't double click all of them, just do them 1 by 1, making sure one has finished before trying to install the next.

-attempts to run crysis/sketchup without changing the UAC settings or Admin settings. Changing either of these settings will allow sketchup and crysis to make new files on your C:\

-leaving the # symbol in the name of your sketchup component. If you do this, your component won't export correctly. No funny characters or spaces.

-trying to export components which contain components. If you make 2 components, then select them both and make another component, then your export to crysis will not work correctly. You may get the "yellow ball" instead. Make sure you explode everything first, then make 1 component.

-trying to export multiple materials in 1 component. This won't work (but if you somehow get it to work, let me know because I'd love to know how). If you want different materials in your model, then you need a component for each material. Export them individually. Then piece them back together in crysis. (Note, having the same axis point will make it easier to snap together)

I'll add to these common issues as they arise. Try to stay out of trouble and follow the readme.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


If you haven't already, please send me your hypotheses to add to the list. These are compiled from Bridget, James, Ben and Alex. 


  • For every light there is an equal and opposite darkness.
  • Without basic structure no building would stand.
  • Materials depend on each other to create a space.


  • The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration .
  • Perception of a structure changes over time.


  • Complicated elements start with simple elements.
  • Architectural forms can only be explained through visual mediums.
  • A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure.